About Me

(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obsessed with the past much?

What in the world is wrong with you?
Why are you so bent on losing?
Jeez. Get over yourself.
He is trying to help.
Im trying to stop him from screaming at you.
Sorry you can't grow a heart.
Let go of the past and live your life!
By holding on you are hurting people.
So. Just. Move. On.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snowy :/

My dog died today.
Out of no where he just lays down and is gone...
My brother took it so hard sigh.
I am going to miss that dog.

We just found him laying there.... Dead
I am just speechless.

Monday, January 3, 2011


They define you.
Who are you.
What people think of you.

What do you think about people you curse?
Not much I would say.
Can you not use words that dont offend people?
Trash talk leads to trash it's self.

If you speak kind words to others.
Kindness is returned.
If harsh words are what you speak.
Then prepare for a full circle attack.

What you say defines you.
Remember that :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011



Well I stayed up to watch the ball drop :) it's tradition for me! If I don't I feel bad :/ lol. Hmmmmmmm a lot of changed :) new members hehe. So taiki! He got married! It was just the cutest thing! He actually cried and that got me crying! Gosh :( that boy. But he is staying close so we get to see him :D his father and him are getting better :) although his father still likes to crack a few jokes Here and there but it's okay:) joy was accepted into the medical school!!!! I am so proud of her ^_^ she is just briliant!

You know what I realize when I was talking to tanaka? I realized that.... He is like a best friend to me.... Him and I can sit for hours and just talk and talk and talk and we laugh and eat and just have a blastie! Hehe:) him and his boyfriend XD they are just the funniest little things! I think they are perfect for each other :)

Sooooooooooo school starts tomorrow >.< nooooooooooo! :( only good thing is that I get to see all my friend again! Yay! Aaaaaaaaand! We get new music! Heck yes! Mpa is soon!!!! Gosh I love orchestra :) lets see what else? Okay so my new years resolution is to be selfdisiplined :) and to just have an open heart and mind and to just take what ever life throws at me and make the best of it! I can't wait for Taekwondo and Krav maga! >.< I missed it! Bu I bet lossin will have a butt load of comments to say lol not to mention my bully! T_T a grown man and he is bullying me!!!!! I walk in durning break and the first thing I see is this huge white thing infront of me and a hand try to wack me upside the head! Thank goodness I block it! It would have hurt. Then the Asian jokes -_-" that man and Asian jokes. Jeez. I have like 4 families :) my legit family! My crazy family :P my orchestra family :D and my Taekwondo/Krav family ;)

This is going to be a good year :) I can feel it!
What's done is done! Let's move one and enjoy life.