About Me

(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Sunday, January 2, 2011



Well I stayed up to watch the ball drop :) it's tradition for me! If I don't I feel bad :/ lol. Hmmmmmmm a lot of changed :) new members hehe. So taiki! He got married! It was just the cutest thing! He actually cried and that got me crying! Gosh :( that boy. But he is staying close so we get to see him :D his father and him are getting better :) although his father still likes to crack a few jokes Here and there but it's okay:) joy was accepted into the medical school!!!! I am so proud of her ^_^ she is just briliant!

You know what I realize when I was talking to tanaka? I realized that.... He is like a best friend to me.... Him and I can sit for hours and just talk and talk and talk and we laugh and eat and just have a blastie! Hehe:) him and his boyfriend XD they are just the funniest little things! I think they are perfect for each other :)

Sooooooooooo school starts tomorrow >.< nooooooooooo! :( only good thing is that I get to see all my friend again! Yay! Aaaaaaaaand! We get new music! Heck yes! Mpa is soon!!!! Gosh I love orchestra :) lets see what else? Okay so my new years resolution is to be selfdisiplined :) and to just have an open heart and mind and to just take what ever life throws at me and make the best of it! I can't wait for Taekwondo and Krav maga! >.< I missed it! Bu I bet lossin will have a butt load of comments to say lol not to mention my bully! T_T a grown man and he is bullying me!!!!! I walk in durning break and the first thing I see is this huge white thing infront of me and a hand try to wack me upside the head! Thank goodness I block it! It would have hurt. Then the Asian jokes -_-" that man and Asian jokes. Jeez. I have like 4 families :) my legit family! My crazy family :P my orchestra family :D and my Taekwondo/Krav family ;)

This is going to be a good year :) I can feel it!
What's done is done! Let's move one and enjoy life.

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