About Me

(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


okay so today.
i had a
of homework man.
tomorrow i have like 3 quizzes in a row ):
and then yea... more homework
then on friday! 
i have an orchestra quiz(:
and then my sistas
will be coming over to mah house and we are going to watch movies(:
hehe maybe ninja assassins, human centipede ... and yea
a lot more movies(:
and maybe stuff our faces?
but i am happy(:
3 day weekend man!
whoot whoot!
so then on saturday i might go to church with jinju?
then sunday church...
then monday... maybe hang with people? idk
we shall have to wait and see(: 
well now i have to go study my elements for my chem. quiz.
wish me luck people(:

P E A C E (:

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