About Me

(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Monday, September 6, 2010



so friday?
i had sooooo much fun with my friends
celeste, amnie, and jinju
oh hell yes. 
we went to albertsons and everyone made me feel old and like a mother -_-"
then we went to my crib and watch ninja assassins ^_^
yes. bi is VERY hot. 
then amnie had to leave ):
and we just chilled and talked and walked around. 
then everyone left and i chilled and read(:
great day man!

so saturday?
went to MGM (hollywood studios) 
and it was there when i realized truely
how BORING my family is
then sunday.
church and florida mall(:
i bought flipflops and tshirts hehe

then today?
ate there crazy good pancakes.
read and moodled lol
hopped on the computer and here i am(:
we will be going to epcot soon :D 
i can travel around the world in 2 hours XD

so yes(:
lets see.
we have to read a thousand splendid suns for english...
the thing is...
i read it... like... 3 times... over the summer
so now its the 4th time i am reading this book and jalil STILL pisses me off man.
that man is such a hypocrite!
grrr >.<

okay so anyway...
i miss him...
like always...
i am still waiting for the day 
when he shows up at my door step and i just run into his arms
i havent talked to him in weeks
he is so busy. 
but everyday i hold on to the hope that he is there.
that he will come. 

his sister is moving away soon. . . 
and i dont know what he will do. 
oh what love does to us girls.

on a lighter note.
we are goin g chicago(: we are going to chicago!
oh yea uhhuh!
orchestra trip ftw!
we are going to have a BLAST :D
lol(: yes i love orchestra. 
get over it :P

soooooo my friend squgiggle line is being like the idiotic child he is lol
wanna read our convo?
Squgiggle: Sammy... how do you spelll triple e's name?
me: bro... are you serious?
squgiggle: uhhh yes?
me: ... dude... e-e-e
squgiggle: ... holy crap i feel like a dumbbutt
me: lol good XD 

well its time for me to go hang with the family.
kay... bye(:

Hey everybody!
Take a look around.
Put your money where your mouth is take your eyes of the ground.
We got a hard days work if we cant work out.
All the pissy little problems that we're fighting about.

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