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(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UH-MAZING TIME (: and more to come?

okay well!
i got back from retreat on saturday!
i. had. a. BLAST!

the first day wasa little.... awkward... didnt really know many people :/
BUT none the less (: i met a bunch of people are we were able to connect on so many levels
this retreat truely showed me that i really should give it ALL to god.
in good and bad
in sorrow and joy
in sunshine and storms.
give it to the lord and he will be forgiving and understanding
this retreat really helped me grow in my faith and i am sooooo thankful to
for inviting me (:

God bless all of them
they are my sisters and brothers in christ and we were able to not only have fun and been teenagers but we were also able to praise god and give him all the glory and honor he deserves
and not only did i meet NEW people!
i got to actually got to know people (that i previously new before) more!
it was fun just having one on one time with god and 
having conversations with people and just being able to relate and talk.

Its hard for asian americans to connect with 
"american society" because we are practically in a different enviroment in our homes. 
*cough* UCLA GIRL *cough*
but there is not point in hating on her
why? because that just causes a circle of hate
if she is ignorant then she is ignorant and i do hope one day she changes that. 

okay. so i think i might like some one >.<
lol i know. sammy like some one? NEVER!
he is just so... inspirational (: 
sings. dances. loves the lord. easy going. 
understanding. patient. kind. open hearted. open minded.
oh and did i mention that he is smart. funny.
sigh. well lets just let god handle this huh?
im tired of guys being bleh and me being the one working trying to keep things together.
so if god want it then he wants it
what happens, happens. 

ANYWAY!!! lol
i dont know if i have said this before but!
i got my new glasses :)
this was a while ago and my b for not telling you all lol
and my friend bugged me to go a song cover :/
so i sang lean on me 
not going to post it on here but its on my facebook(: 

went to the movies yesterday (monday) 
with my friends daneshia and sara :P
battle LA (or whatever)

all amazingly fantastic movies!
but it rained all day yesterday ):
guess who ran and danced and sang in the rain :D
cause im a crazy person.
but we all had a bunch of fun and we crazy and yea....
had weird conversations @_@ 
*awkward silence*


but beastly was A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E

paul almost made me pee mah pants laughing :)

and battle la was a totaly emotion mess!
it was like BOOM BANG BOOM 
noooooooo dying people!
and then it was like TAKE THAT POOP BUTTS! lol

so lets see
man i wrote a lot @_@
i dont really know what else to tell ya'll

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