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(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Monday, April 11, 2011

hello world(:

okay. well i havent been on in a while :/ 
so this will be a little late
sorry guys.
so lets catch you up (:
went to youth group
alex gave me a ride along with a bunch of other people 
we just sat around and watched the guys play bball for a while
then we had dinner
then we started!
okay so we are learning about
and its really cool(:
i'll tell you what i learned later.

okay so BEFORE we talked
we learned to ballroom dance lol
and we werent allowed to dance with the same gender
so it was a tad bit awkward (:
the guy i wanted to dance with was taken by another girl 
but thats okay lol
so i danced with justin and we laughed our butts off
but we actually made a lot of progress (:
who knew clumsy old me could ballroom dance

so yes. we did that for like 40-50 minutes?
so then yea...
then we sat and talked :D
so on friday i learned that
God wanted us to be equally yoked in a relationship.
He wants us to carry the burden together
he wants both of us to go equal amounts of work
he also wants us to be on the same spiritual levels
and this will allow us to see eye to eye
and we are able to support on another
and we are also able to push each other to seek god more and more
i also learned that
relationships are meant to see if
that person is who you would want to marry
so basiclly
you date to see if you two will marry.
so then afterwards
we broke into small groups and talked about
what we could do to show we care
and also if we felt it was right for us to be in relationships yet
so yup (:

then after that!
i got to have a really cool conversation with trung!
lol he is a pretty cool cat if i do say so myself.
since i missed his lesson the week before,
i asked him his views on relationships.
i actually learned a lot from the man
believe it or not.
so yes it was a very educational experience
and this coming friday i get to go again :D
and we are dancing

fridays are what helps me get through my week
thank you god for giving me such great friends
and also for introducing me to all of them
and for allowing me to go to this youth group

so today.
sooooo boring!
i finished my test within 35 minutes...
so i got to sit there for another 35 minutes 
and do
absolutely NOTHING
the prompter was cool as ice
but he wouldnt let me take notes for my AP world class
because my test might be invalidated :/
so i sat there and doodled in my book thingy and yea
and the prompter and i just sat there and waited for everyone to finish

every year it amazes me how many people take the whole 70 minutes.
but i am happy that they finished (:
better on time then never right?
and who am i to judge. 
i was just extremely bored.
so then after the test.
we sat around for 30 minutes
(i took notes then)
and then went to lunch.
went back to the room for another 45 minutes -_-"
and then off to 4 and 5 period (:
4 period we watched kids be racist in a video in the 70s 
then in 5th period we watched this series on greek mythology 
that was made in like the 80s and the quality made me want to cry. 

and to imagine tomorrow i have to do it all over again
except i will have 6th and 7th period.
fuuuuuun stuuuuuff

soo (:
now i shall leave you all with a few more notes!

Song Of The Week: Born This Way - Lady Gaga

Bible Verse Of The Week - Matthew 11:28-30

you are 
b e a u t i f u l
photo of the week: 

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