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(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Hey There Hope.
i'm not sure if taiki or jason will show you this but i will write it anyway!
i know we dont talk much and i know i dont know you that well
but from what i hear, 
you are beautiful and amazing and just wonderful inside and out
what ever you are going through right now, 
i know you are a strong young lady and that you can do anything you put your mind to.
dont be afraid to get hurt sweetie
we all do
but we just have to learn from it.
and lean on each other for help.
i know family isnt exactly family any more now a day:/
but you know your parents are really trying to make it
just give them time and a chance okay?
they have issues and lives of their own you know?
not all families can be happy all the time
i know mine isnt but we try to make time for each other
and yes sweetie
in my family we fight about stupid things to.
im not going to lie.
just the other day 3 of the kids were like 
and yes sweetie
we even make each other upset
we make each other feel bad and cry
we forget that we are a family sometimes
and yea
we sometimes argue to the point where we want to run away
but we make up, forgive, and move on.
just dont forget that we all love you bunches :)
i know your mommy and daddy love you so much sweetie thats a fact
just hang in there okay?
if you ever need anything you can talk to one of your uncles or even me!
i know we dont exactly talk and you want to keep distance from me
but i am here for you when ever you need me
all of us are.
im not aiming to replace your mommy
your cousins are not aiming to replace your siblings 
and your uncles is not aiming to replace your daddy
but ALL of us just wanted to say 
we love you :)
and to feel better
and that you are welcome to come join the girls team any family night
to help beat those silly boy :P

The Crazy Family  :D


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