About Me

(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Friday, December 10, 2010


okay well my son can just be so cute some times XD
i love the boy
he was like 
"you know.... we havent done anything as a family lately... sooooooo lets go out and play"
isnt he the most caring kid in the world?
gosh :) pat on the back for raising my children right hehe
but it was really cute and a lot of fun
families do things together.
yea we fight and blah blah blah
but you know what?
you just have to stop and enjoy the time you have together.
it seems like no one hangs out with their family any more :/
that makes me very upset.
they never sit and just enjoy each others company.
someone is always left out.

lets stop this madness once and for all!
lets change this world (:
lets love each other until the end of time


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