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(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

randomness :)

All the mistakes in the world couldn't measure up to the day i thought i could trust you. 

Just before you never speak to me again 
remember when you used to be my friend. 
You treated me like shit. 
I’m never gonna deny it and I even played your little game. 
I was there every time you called my name. 
I still thought our friendship would last but now everything is in the past. 
All the secrets I shared and you never even cared, 
so let me tell you and don’t make me repeat it: 
I fucking hate you and yes, I mean it.

Some people don't deserve the memories you share with them.
Take out the picture. Blow off the dust. 
Take off the frame; it’s starting to rust. 
Remember the times we had together. 
What ever happened to best friends forever?

You can't laugh last If I stab you in the throat with...
the knife you left in my back.

Its funny how you can be hurt so bad
from the person you least expected it from.

The people who hurt me the most

were the people who swore

they never would. 

Trust takes years to build

and only seconds to shatter.  

What goes around comes around.
That's what people say.
so To my friend...for all the pain you caused me
will come back to you someday. 

Backstabbers OOZE anger.

Life would be so much easier if we didn't have to deal with men and women who make promises they have no intention of keeping.

I hate two faced people. It's hard to decide which face to slap first.  

sweetie, if your going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty. 

Before you open your mouth...
Make Sure - You have a mind to back up all the things you say.


  1. Bitch. Love you too(:

  2. no one asked you to speak :) go back to bed and fuck husband number 2 :)

  3. Haha so you're the bitch that started that
    Always knew you were a king backstabbing son of a bitch who loves to look like the greater person when really you're just a bitch pretending to be something you're not. That thing is. You really aren't a good person.

  4. i didnt start it your boyfriend did.
    and margarita
    im still saving peoples lives.
    you sit in a corner and cry and cut.
    tell me who the better person is?
    im done arguing.
    i love how you are the one who ends our friendship, yet you are the one so fucking attached to me.
    how about you stop bitching to me about how your life sucks and actually make something of yourself and go talk to your family and get them to oh i dont know... be an actual family. your kids dont even feel like kids. they cant even relate to you or your hubby. the only kid you know is hope. and you dont even actually KNOW her. whats her favorite food? what does she like to do as a hobby? what type of books does she like to read? does she like rainbows? does she even like to play dress up? all i see her do is sit on the side and watch because she is afraid to upset you and your fucking hubs.

    so i suggest instead of stalking me and telling me that i am the bitch. you should get a mirror and look in it. put it down. and get a family night going. and no. fucking your boyfriend does not count as family night. GROW UP.

  5. Bitch. I hope you're having fun with your fuckin lies

  6. sigh *shakes my head* you will never learn.

  7. and think before you speak. you never know you are hurting. you are not only hurting others but yourself.

  8. you will never learn. no matter how many people line up and beg you to open your eyes you just slam the door and live in your little cage. you cant lock yourself and your family up forever.

  9. I'm not. They can do whatever they want and they know it. And maybe cuz it's a person like you is the reason why I'd rather slam the door and not fuckin talk to anyone. And why the fuck would I stalk you. What even makes you say that.

  10. well you are commenting on this post right now. who said it was about you? why are you even reading my blog if you hate me so much? and margarita.... if you kids or if ANYONE says my name... not even my name.. if they even allude to me you get pissy. david sits and watches and tell me. and personally i am not doing anything to you now so idk why you have a problem with me. i have a problem not with you but just with what happens between you and your little family because we are all trying to get along and there BOOM depression. thats no good for family or family night :/ and i have been trying to convince your kids to join us but they choose to ignore me and my family so that you dont get mad. you dont MAKE them do anything but they feel obligated. you have the best kids in the world. when are you going to realize that?

  11. When you start acting like you don't have a fucking depressing life cuz eveybodybknows you're so fucking perfect so stop acting like your life is so fucking horrible.

  12. i dont complain about my life margarita. i do have a good life. i have good grades without any help from anyone else. i have beautiful wonderful loving encouraging kids. and david is very supporting and we can talk and laugh about anything with out worrying about upsetting each other. i have amazing bros that i can joke around with and pull pranks on and i have a great aunt that loves to bake and tell me stories about david. so i do have a great life. i am not perfect but i make the best out of a bad situation rather then sit and be mad and make every sick with me.

  13. Good grades without any help? Still lying i see. And good for you. Stop posting depressing shitthen. Im sick of coming on here and you're acting like a depressed little girl with horrible friends

  14. its not depressing :) its actually positive. i am just reflecting. and yes margarita. without any help. i study my ass off. i actually do all my homework and turn it in. unlike some people i still have 4 a's and 3 b's. i dont need tutoring because i actually pay attention in class. and lying? call it what you want but we all LIE if you want to get technical. sorry you cant accept the truth and sorry you dont have your priorities straight.

  15. All right then. Good for you.

  16. thank you :) i am quite proud of my achievement actually.
