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(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Monday, August 2, 2010


okay so here is the deal
i finished packing(:
and i just discovered that i should bring a small note book. so here i go looking for one XD anyway.
*cough* jinju *cough* 
is stealing my instant camera idea.
what a krazy korean she is :P

 Maybe we can go buy them together XD
lets see
i got my mom to buy some
for the trip(:
so excited
2 hours on the road with people
then 4 days having 

oh what a wonderful week this will be(: 
to bad stupid turtle cant go -_-"
what a party pooper that boy is 

time for a pic? 
yes my thoughts exactly 
now presenting 
Kinda old but its a great memory(:
atlanta 6 flags with 2 of my crazy girls
i hope this year we can make just as great memories if not better 
oh how time just flies :/
it just seemed like yesterday i was going to my first day of freshman year. 
and now its OVER T_T
but it was fun
hehe im going to drive soon
and i just cant possibly wait anymore. 

so today(:
gonna go to the Y with SARA :D 
and we are going to go swim for a bit. 
then work out 
haha XD body builders

then im going to come 
wake up. 
get in the car.
get my BUTT to jinjus place.
hang there for a bit. 
get our butts to her church.
and on the road to the retreat center(:
blueberry poptarts
and chewy bars. 
imma die!!!

awww(: so i am watching my neighbor totoro
for the first time in what seems like AGES!
its still as cute and amazing as ever
love the little girl(:

well now i g2g eat dinner(: 
then its of to the Y.M.C.A :D

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