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(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Friday, August 13, 2010


great song! 
anyway. today is kinda boring i guess. 
i did my online assignment and we are going to go out for lunch.
then maybe Hollywood Studios?
my mom and i are trying to convice my lazy brothers to get out of the house. 
all they do is sit and play vidoe games... and my youngest brother is 5...
see how my 13 soon to be 14 year old brother has influenced him?
not. good. 

i want to get out!
go somewhere!
do something!
oh well.
you know whats really weird?
my best friend is at the beach with her family and a bunch of two year olds XD
her two year old sister was able to bring friends to the beach with them for like 3 days but my best friend
who just so happens to turn 16 in november can't take one friend with her. 
do you know how upsetting that is?
but i wouldnt have been able to go anyway. 
i hope she is having fun(:

S U N S H I N E(:

so time for a pic? 
wanna see what i look like right now? 
in the life?

what do you think?
i have a lot more because i got bored but i decided on this one cause its not to crazy(:
hmmm well now its pouring out side the window
i hope it stops soon so we can leave. 
if not then maybe ill go for a run in the rain

P E A C E. 
L O V E. 
H A P P I E N S S.

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