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(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Monday, August 2, 2010

yay ^_^

today (: im packing for tomorrow. 


hmmm i might go to disney with my family today(:
oh gosh i have SO much to do. should i bring my book along?
yes that would be best(: dont wanna FAIL english and history on the first day xD
man i am still doing FLVS -_-" me and my procrastination. and i have yet to start filling out the chart for history. oh well(: i read though!

so im downloading music for tomorrow right now(: its kinda fun. i havent updated my ipod in FOREVER! but its alllll good(: because now i get the joy of doing it.
should i go buy junk food for the trip? .... maybe? yes? idk :/ maybe i just bring green paper instead :P 

>.< its taking forever for all the songs to download man. there are so many. oh well. soooooo lets see. tommorrow i am waking up about 7:50 ish? then going over to jinju's house around 8:30ish hehe then we will depart from there to her church. then we hop onto a bus or another car and go to the retreat center(: its going to be a 2 hour ride man! so i need to change my ipod (: 

last night >.<
okay so it was dark and i was walking back to my room and i ran into the wall!
omg my nose hurts >.< im am such a loser! lol(: but its okay 

NeverShoutNever - Trouble(:
such a cute song

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