About Me

(: sammy here Junior. Loving Others. Being Myself. You Are Beautiful ^_^ <3 babyhippos

Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh My...

Hey guys >_< I was on vacation and getting ready for school.
But I'm back now (: I'll be trying to post every 3-4 days or at least weekly (:
It's a huge year!
I'm a junior now :D such a huge accomplishment.

So guys this Summer was amazing (: traveled to my home country

MALASIA!! Whoot whoot!
I bought circle lenses and I think that's the topic I'll be talking about more now (: that and I guess advice for younger generations. I'm getting older and I feel I should pass down my knowledge (:

I have limited time to type all of this because I'm a bit busy right now but I will be sure to tell you all more about:

1. My summer.
2. Circle lenses
3. Advice

I'll be making some videos and posting them on my YouTube channel (: so as soon as I get more videos up I'll post the linkto my channel if you want to see them :]

So yea <3 love you guys
Btw I think imma call the readers babyhippos (:
I <3 hippos

Peace Love Understanding Respect Grace
PLURG (: BabyHippos

Monday, May 23, 2011

Long time huh :/

Meeeeeh ):
I'm sorry guys! Ive been so busy >.<
Okay so updating (:
Pretty much just wrapping up the school year. Chilling.
It's pretty crazy!
Can you believe it? 2 more years and I'm off to college...
I'm a little scared to be honest

whoot ^_^ of course the koo family will be driving me <3
Sig along time!
Hehe I love them. They are so Kool :p

Oh! And I started writing a story ^_^
it's nothing fancy but it's just a burst of creativity
It's called "You Heard Me Correctly"
Ill probably post it on here later (:

AHHHH IM SO EXCITED! hanging out with my Asian church peeps (:
chilling with my homes you best be jelly xD
This is going to be great!!!

Then I'm going to MALAYSIA!
I get to see my relatives <3
Love you guys!!

Oh and btw... Idk about "him" anymore sigh
We don't really talk and i honestly think he doesn't like me
Bleh. Complicated! Need to stop and just go with it (:

Okay well until later (:
Peace Out Beautifuls!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


im the only girl.
my mother and i dont exactly love each other.
in fact we could probably live without each other. 

she loves to make things so complicated for me.
she likes to presure me to the point where i feel like screaming to the world.
she makes me feel ugly.
she cuts me down.
she doesnt motivate me.
we dont talk.
we arent "best friend" like all the other mothers and daughter.
and you know the saddest part?
i cry and she just shrugs it off.

thanks mom.
i love you to.
i pray. beg. hope. that the next two years go by fast.
i just want to get away from all of this negativity.

"yea. you can go to lake yale. wait. we can all go. oh wait. no one in the family can go. wait you have finals! oh wait your friends mom just called. you can go. ill sign you up later."




hoping. praying. begging.

so i want to go on this retreat in may... 
may 27 to be exact. and see its two weeks beforfinals. 
and my mom is being all stupid and using that as an excuse to not let me go. 
shoot me someone.
i get back on sunday and i dont have school monday of that week and my mom is all like "oh well i dont know because then you have finals two weeks after.
*takes a deep breath*
i want to go to Lake Yale.
guess ill ask my dad (:


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


yes im late
yes ive been busy >.<
i think i have gotten sick because now i am coughing and have this huge headache ):
so last we was good. fcat.

youth again (: 
hehe so much fun!
we danced again.
danced with tommy most of the time?
yea... a bit awkward but it was so fun XD
and then danced with joe? and then alex? and then trung?
i forget who else.... but yea. 
then we got a serman from a newly wedded couple (:
they were married in junary. so cute >.<
so anyway
then we broke of into small groups.
and i learned that even after marriage, not everything is PERFECT
i mean i guess i knew this before.
but i thought that at least some things would be better.
so far this week is pretty good.
but good (:
learning to just live lol
not take things to heart. 
just moving on you know?

so this weekend was prom
and yesterday a bunch of seniors skipped
maybe i will go to prom (:
sounds fun

im a bit tired.
and i have to get of now.
but yea.
for now.
ttyl (:
and ps. i got to dance with him :P
which one?
i will never tell MAWHAHAHAHA
cant wait til friday
maybe ill make a video and show you guys XD
kay well.
Song Of The Week: Price Tag by Jessie J

Bible Verse Of The Week: 2 Corithians 5:7

Quote Of The Week: All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

not taken by me but cool nonetheless >.< :D

okay so remember guys!


 Peace. Love. Happiness. God.

Monday, April 11, 2011

hello world(:

okay. well i havent been on in a while :/ 
so this will be a little late
sorry guys.
so lets catch you up (:
went to youth group
alex gave me a ride along with a bunch of other people 
we just sat around and watched the guys play bball for a while
then we had dinner
then we started!
okay so we are learning about
and its really cool(:
i'll tell you what i learned later.

okay so BEFORE we talked
we learned to ballroom dance lol
and we werent allowed to dance with the same gender
so it was a tad bit awkward (:
the guy i wanted to dance with was taken by another girl 
but thats okay lol
so i danced with justin and we laughed our butts off
but we actually made a lot of progress (:
who knew clumsy old me could ballroom dance

so yes. we did that for like 40-50 minutes?
so then yea...
then we sat and talked :D
so on friday i learned that
God wanted us to be equally yoked in a relationship.
He wants us to carry the burden together
he wants both of us to go equal amounts of work
he also wants us to be on the same spiritual levels
and this will allow us to see eye to eye
and we are able to support on another
and we are also able to push each other to seek god more and more
i also learned that
relationships are meant to see if
that person is who you would want to marry
so basiclly
you date to see if you two will marry.
so then afterwards
we broke into small groups and talked about
what we could do to show we care
and also if we felt it was right for us to be in relationships yet
so yup (:

then after that!
i got to have a really cool conversation with trung!
lol he is a pretty cool cat if i do say so myself.
since i missed his lesson the week before,
i asked him his views on relationships.
i actually learned a lot from the man
believe it or not.
so yes it was a very educational experience
and this coming friday i get to go again :D
and we are dancing

fridays are what helps me get through my week
thank you god for giving me such great friends
and also for introducing me to all of them
and for allowing me to go to this youth group

so today.
sooooo boring!
i finished my test within 35 minutes...
so i got to sit there for another 35 minutes 
and do
absolutely NOTHING
the prompter was cool as ice
but he wouldnt let me take notes for my AP world class
because my test might be invalidated :/
so i sat there and doodled in my book thingy and yea
and the prompter and i just sat there and waited for everyone to finish

every year it amazes me how many people take the whole 70 minutes.
but i am happy that they finished (:
better on time then never right?
and who am i to judge. 
i was just extremely bored.
so then after the test.
we sat around for 30 minutes
(i took notes then)
and then went to lunch.
went back to the room for another 45 minutes -_-"
and then off to 4 and 5 period (:
4 period we watched kids be racist in a video in the 70s 
then in 5th period we watched this series on greek mythology 
that was made in like the 80s and the quality made me want to cry. 

and to imagine tomorrow i have to do it all over again
except i will have 6th and 7th period.
fuuuuuun stuuuuuff

soo (:
now i shall leave you all with a few more notes!

Song Of The Week: Born This Way - Lady Gaga

Bible Verse Of The Week - Matthew 11:28-30

you are 
b e a u t i f u l
photo of the week: 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

inspiration? put it in a song (:

Wrote a song I was kind of inspired by my friend and myself (: 
I've been there before and I know how hard it is. 
It's so easy to find yourself in that place and I know how difficult it is.
But you just have to keep your head up and have faith that he will provide. 
I know what it's like to not like who you are and I know how it feels to looks in the mirror and just stare at yourself asking "why"
I know what its like to feel like he isn't there
I know what it is like to be impatient and frustrated. God had plans for your future. He will help you prosper and never forsake you.
So enough talking! 
I'm just going to write the song on here
then sing it when I have time later. 
<3 hope this inspires you
By Samantha Choy
Standing there, looking so scared
Who is that person staring at me?
Lost in the darkness
Drowning in sin
How could I ever be forgiven?

Stepping away, cower in shame
To weak to even call out your name
All of the pain trials and games
It feels like I'm going insane

God where are you now?
I'm screaming out loud
I want you stand right here with me
Show me your mercy and show me your grace
Lord please hold me in your warm embrace

Standing there looking so scared
Who is that person staring at me?
Lost in the darkness
Drowning in sin
How could I ever be forgiven?

Taking the next step and falling down
Sitting in hatred on the ground
Anger frustration all boiling up
Lord when will I ever have enough?

How could it be?
Is this really me?
Human and lusting for more then I need
Now I'm staring right back at my sins
Hoping I will ever be forgiven

You're all that i want and all that I need
Lord Please use me as your seed
Planted by grace
Growing my faith
Lord I'm looking right into your face

Standing there, looking so scared
Who is that person staring at me?
Lost in the darkness
Drowning in sin
How could I ever be forgiven?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UH-MAZING TIME (: and more to come?

okay well!
i got back from retreat on saturday!
i. had. a. BLAST!

the first day wasa little.... awkward... didnt really know many people :/
BUT none the less (: i met a bunch of people are we were able to connect on so many levels
this retreat truely showed me that i really should give it ALL to god.
in good and bad
in sorrow and joy
in sunshine and storms.
give it to the lord and he will be forgiving and understanding
this retreat really helped me grow in my faith and i am sooooo thankful to
for inviting me (:

God bless all of them
they are my sisters and brothers in christ and we were able to not only have fun and been teenagers but we were also able to praise god and give him all the glory and honor he deserves
and not only did i meet NEW people!
i got to actually got to know people (that i previously new before) more!
it was fun just having one on one time with god and 
having conversations with people and just being able to relate and talk.

Its hard for asian americans to connect with 
"american society" because we are practically in a different enviroment in our homes. 
*cough* UCLA GIRL *cough*
but there is not point in hating on her
why? because that just causes a circle of hate
if she is ignorant then she is ignorant and i do hope one day she changes that. 

okay. so i think i might like some one >.<
lol i know. sammy like some one? NEVER!
he is just so... inspirational (: 
sings. dances. loves the lord. easy going. 
understanding. patient. kind. open hearted. open minded.
oh and did i mention that he is smart. funny.
sigh. well lets just let god handle this huh?
im tired of guys being bleh and me being the one working trying to keep things together.
so if god want it then he wants it
what happens, happens. 

ANYWAY!!! lol
i dont know if i have said this before but!
i got my new glasses :)
this was a while ago and my b for not telling you all lol
and my friend bugged me to go a song cover :/
so i sang lean on me 
not going to post it on here but its on my facebook(: 

went to the movies yesterday (monday) 
with my friends daneshia and sara :P
battle LA (or whatever)

all amazingly fantastic movies!
but it rained all day yesterday ):
guess who ran and danced and sang in the rain :D
cause im a crazy person.
but we all had a bunch of fun and we crazy and yea....
had weird conversations @_@ 
*awkward silence*


but beastly was A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E

paul almost made me pee mah pants laughing :)

and battle la was a totaly emotion mess!
it was like BOOM BANG BOOM 
noooooooo dying people!
and then it was like TAKE THAT POOP BUTTS! lol

so lets see
man i wrote a lot @_@
i dont really know what else to tell ya'll

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RAWR~ Goes The Dinosaur :D

Leave for Retreat :)
no phone for 3 days lol

Fellowship <3

Worship :)
Pack up
Come home

Lay around :P

Movies with friends:
Her boyfriend 
and maybe steven :)

The rest of spring break is a mystery for me :)


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hello bright future goodbye dark past. 
If this is what it takes, then so be it.
I'm tired of people.
Its time to just grow the hell up.
High school is just a huge mixing bowl of teenage hormones.
I'm tired of everyone's bullshit.
So you know what?
From today onward.
I promise MYSELF
that I wont take anything personally
I wont care what you think
 Everyone has a right to their own opinion 
and so thats completly fine
Believe what you want
say what you want
but in the end i am still living and you are as well
if you can't live up to your words then don't say them at all.
I'm happy.
You're happy.
She is happy.
He is happy.
so don't be a douche and ruin it :)
live and let live
and i say
Just leave me the 
and the world will go round and round :) 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fuck with my family?

i PROMISE i will

Make your life a living hell :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Obsessed with the past much?

What in the world is wrong with you?
Why are you so bent on losing?
Jeez. Get over yourself.
He is trying to help.
Im trying to stop him from screaming at you.
Sorry you can't grow a heart.
Let go of the past and live your life!
By holding on you are hurting people.
So. Just. Move. On.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snowy :/

My dog died today.
Out of no where he just lays down and is gone...
My brother took it so hard sigh.
I am going to miss that dog.

We just found him laying there.... Dead
I am just speechless.

Monday, January 3, 2011


They define you.
Who are you.
What people think of you.

What do you think about people you curse?
Not much I would say.
Can you not use words that dont offend people?
Trash talk leads to trash it's self.

If you speak kind words to others.
Kindness is returned.
If harsh words are what you speak.
Then prepare for a full circle attack.

What you say defines you.
Remember that :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011



Well I stayed up to watch the ball drop :) it's tradition for me! If I don't I feel bad :/ lol. Hmmmmmmm a lot of changed :) new members hehe. So taiki! He got married! It was just the cutest thing! He actually cried and that got me crying! Gosh :( that boy. But he is staying close so we get to see him :D his father and him are getting better :) although his father still likes to crack a few jokes Here and there but it's okay:) joy was accepted into the medical school!!!! I am so proud of her ^_^ she is just briliant!

You know what I realize when I was talking to tanaka? I realized that.... He is like a best friend to me.... Him and I can sit for hours and just talk and talk and talk and we laugh and eat and just have a blastie! Hehe:) him and his boyfriend XD they are just the funniest little things! I think they are perfect for each other :)

Sooooooooooo school starts tomorrow >.< nooooooooooo! :( only good thing is that I get to see all my friend again! Yay! Aaaaaaaaand! We get new music! Heck yes! Mpa is soon!!!! Gosh I love orchestra :) lets see what else? Okay so my new years resolution is to be selfdisiplined :) and to just have an open heart and mind and to just take what ever life throws at me and make the best of it! I can't wait for Taekwondo and Krav maga! >.< I missed it! Bu I bet lossin will have a butt load of comments to say lol not to mention my bully! T_T a grown man and he is bullying me!!!!! I walk in durning break and the first thing I see is this huge white thing infront of me and a hand try to wack me upside the head! Thank goodness I block it! It would have hurt. Then the Asian jokes -_-" that man and Asian jokes. Jeez. I have like 4 families :) my legit family! My crazy family :P my orchestra family :D and my Taekwondo/Krav family ;)

This is going to be a good year :) I can feel it!
What's done is done! Let's move one and enjoy life.